The Purpose Of Creation

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God said, ‘I was in the hidden treasure, I wanted to be known so I came out from that hidden treasure.’

Human being have a problem: if they have something, they find more pleasure in showing it off to people than using it. For example, if God said to you, ‘From now on you are God, but you cannot see anybody. No one will know who is God,’ maybe you would think that it is useless.

In religion, God takes pride in being alone. However, he he created creation because he was alone and he could not be known without having somebody to witness his splendour.

When God was in the hidden treasure a thought crossed his mind, ‘I have all the might and power. I have the power of Command Be and nobody knows about it. What is the point?’ He wanted to show somebody what he has.

For example, if you do not feel any pain and you would like to feel some pain, [someone] would hit you. So God was alone and he wanted to be known but there was nobody; how was he supposed to be known when there was nothing? So he created this universe for the purpose that he may be known.

God created different types of creatures: good spirits, evil spirits, Jinns, angels, Archangels, fairies and other types of angels. He created six realms because he thought that one creature could not fully know him. He made 18 000 creatures: 6000 in the air, 6000 in the water and 6000 on land. All the different creatures were given some knowledge of God, but no creature had seen God.

Then God created man. In man God combined two different types of souls: all the souls of the 18 000 different creatures and on top of that, the souls the angels have, the souls the Archangels have and the souls which only the angels closest to God possess. He combined all these souls in the human body. He did this so that man can know God fully.

Among man, he started off the first messenger, Adam The Eminent One. He gave Adam the knowledge of the heart. [He taught him] how to spiritualise the heart. The heart in spirituality was declared to be the divine tool of communication. When the heart is awakened, enlightened and there is enough light inside, it will serve like a telephone the only means between man and God.

There are many types of communication. If angels speak to man, they will speak to him in his right ear. When God wants to communicate with man, firstly that man will hear the voice of God in his heart. Some people do not hear the voice of God; rather, God sends text messages to their heart and this is known as revelation. With our phones, either we can make a voice call or send a message. Similarly, some people have both: they can hear God’s voice in their heart and if it is a detailed conversation, God sends texts. Then they can close their eyes and read the messages on their heart. This is how he comes to know about everything.

Adam the Eminent One was the first messenger who was first granted the knowledge of the spiritual heart. He taught his people this knowledge, through which their connection with God was established. Their hearts became enlightened. The hearts would speak to God and God would speak to the hearts.

You have another soul in your body on the righthand side.  When you enlighten this, with its help, you can visit a realm where sometimes, God comes and waits; if there is someone there who is enlightened enough, then they can communicate with God. This knowledge was given to Abraham.

There is another soul: Siri (The Secretive Soul). When this soul was enlightened, secrets of God were revealed and man grew in knowledge and understanding.

Then there is another soul known as Khafi (The Arcane). This soul belongs to a realm where God’s throne sits. There is a curtain behind this realm and throne. For example, it is like you are at the US-Canadian border. From the Canadian side of the border, you can see America but you are not in America. The knowledge of this was given to Jesus. That is why he said, ‘Through me, you will reach the father.’

Then there is another soul: Akhfa (The Most Hidden). When this is enlightened, this will be connected to your physical and spiritual tongue. When it is enlightened, you speak and will be heard everywhere.

There is another soul in your head with the help of which you can see God.

So, God wanted to be known but he did not allow any one religion to know him fully. One religion was able to know him a bit. Then, the one after that was introduced and people were able to know God more. Another religion was invented; with the help of the knowledge of that religion, people were able to know him even more. Then, in the last, he rendered the knowledge which enables people to see him. Prophet Mohammad brought that knowledge and people were able to see God. However, seeing is not enough.

Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi has brought a knowledge through which you see [God], you touch him, you hug him and you know him. You know his character and temperament.

If you just look at somebody, you will not know his character or temperament.

Now all these different types of knowledge have been revealed to different religions. When those religions taught this knowledge to people, people were able to obtain what was offered to them. When their messengers and saints left this world and spirituality was forgotten in these religions, now people do not know anything about God. Now, people do not anything about themselves. They are just going into the churches, mosques and synagogues. The purpose of God, that of him wanting to be known, is not to be seen here. If you practise Christianity yet you forget about knowing God and you do not even know yourself, what is the use? If you are a Muslim and you cannot see God, then you can only blame yourself.

So people are Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Jews but the purpose of God is lost in all these religions because God created creation so he could be known. With the help of these religions today people do not manage to know God.

The only knowledge that will enable you to know God is spirituality; enlightenment of the heart and soul. Now, this knowledge is available without any religion. In fact even more knowledge is available than what was available through these religions.

The knowledge that Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi has brought teaches us to know God and communicate with God. Lord Ra Riaz has given us authority and power to connect people. The beauty of this is that in order to get this knowledge, you do not have to follow a religion.

Religion gives you little knowledge about God and it makes you work harder. It is like you [doing hard manual labour] and they give you $50 a day. However this knowledge is like finding a white collar job and making $500 an hour. This is the same with religions: they are fasting, going to mosque, praying five times a day and following the dos and don’ts of the religion. But what do they get out of this? Just a little light.

Now, Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi has removed all conditions and limits. There is no stopping, no discrimination and no precondition.

Lord Ra Riaz said, ‘The prophets and messengers came into this world for good guys. I have come for bad guys, to make them good.’

In religion, you work hard but you do not have a good salary from God. This is because the hard work is done by the body. Anything done by the body generates kinetic energy, not divine energy. Divine energy is given to the soul. Your soul has to become active.

Today, religions do not know how to awaken the soul or enlighten the heart. This can be achieved only through spirituality.

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