Goharian Philosophy of Divine Love

An introduction to Lord Ra Riaz's revolutionary teachings.

The teachings of His Divine Eminence Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi are based on divine love, the core of all religions. The spiritual grace of Lord Ra Riaz is open to all humanity without prejudice to any nation, cast, creed, religion or faith. Since the spiritual grace of Lord Ra Riaz is not confined to any particular religion or faith and is meant to enlighten all, hence, we practise a universal mode of preaching. Our message is not influenced by any particular religion or faith.


here are two dimensions in all religions: outer and inner. Outer knowledge is already very common in all religions – therefore, we don’t prioritise it in our message – whereas the inner dimension has become extinct in religious circles today. We lay emphasis on cleansing of the heart and the Self. The outer knowledge is like the skin of a potato, while the inner knowledge is its core. It is the inner knowledge that connects the human heart with God when it becomes enlightened.

The teachings of His Divine Eminence Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi concern itself with initiating the hearts of aspirants with God’s name. God’s name is implanted in the beating system of the heart, which enables the throbs to repeat God’s name; thus, God’s name is mentioned along with every throb. This unique method allows the repetition of God’s name to produce divine energy. Constant repetition of God’s name produces divine energy which enlightens the heart eventually.

Hundreds of thousands of people have obtained this spiritual grace of Lord Ra Riaz, and have started to love God. We don’t convert people into one religion from another; rather we convert their hearts into divine love. Conversion of a religion is fruitless today, as almost all religions have lost their spiritual system. It does not make a difference what religion one may follow, as all are darkened in the hearts. According to a Prophetic Tradition, ‘God does not look at your bodies and deeds, but looks at the enlightened and shimmering hearts.’

Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi places all emphasis upon obtaining God’s love.

Muslim says, ‘I am superior to all.’ A jew declares, ‘I am even better than Muslim.’ And a Christian says, ‘I am greater than both Muslim and Jews, and the rest of the religions, because I am the nation of God’s Son.’ But His Divine Eminence declares that superior and best of all is the one who possess God’s love in his heart, in spite of his indifference to any religion.
– Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi

His Divine Eminence Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi’s
Revolutionary Message for Humanity

His Divine Eminence Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi warns, ‘You shall not find God through physical worship but through the passage of an enlightened heart.’ Lord Ra Riaz reveals, ‘The human heart works like a telephone operator between God and man.’ His Divine Eminence further adds that God himself guides the enlightened heart; therefore, one will surely find God following this unique spiritual methodology.


His Divine Eminence Lord Ra Riaz has penned a marvellous book on mystical sciences by the name of The Religion of God (Divine Love). This sacred book is a divine gift for the seekers of God.

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