Some selected accounts of people who have been helped through the power of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi or Lord Jesus Christ. These miracles testify to the universality of these divine personalities.
Ms Claudia was visited by Lord Ra Riaz and given Invocation of the Heart in her dream before meeting our team at the New Life Expo in New York. View her testimony here
Mr Wesley, father of Ms Heather, was given a photograph of Lord Jesus Christ and Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi by a member of Messiah Foundation. In Italy, he met a man at a hospital whose mother was on her deathbed. He gave the photograph to the man to put by his mother's bed for blessings. The next day, the man told Mr Wesley that his mother was awake and responding to treatment. Mr Wesley said, 'To me, this is very eye-opening.'
Ms Heather suffered from Multiple Sclerosis. After receiving spiritual healing at her local church from a spiritual minister of MFI, Mr Steve Bell, Ms Heather showed dramatic signs of improvement. Previously, she would be unable to walk without assistance; after the healing, she was able to walk unassisted up flights of stairs. She now keeps images of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi and Lord Jesus Christ in her home
Mrs Ahmed had breast cancer. After spiritual healing from His Holiness Younus AlGohar, the Representative of Lord Ra Riaz, she is now cancer-free.
Mr Sharma is completely blind. However, when his heart was initiated with the name of the Lord and he was physically shown Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi’s images, he was able to clearly see the image of Lord Ra Riaz.
Ms. Trivina had a hole in her heart. She was spiritually healed by one of Messiah Foundation International's spiritual ministers in Sri Lanka and is now healthy.
Mr. Achook had a disability in that he could not speak without stammering. When he took Invocation of the Heart from the image of Lord Ra Riaz, he noticed something strange coming out of his mouth, after which he was able to speak without stuttering.
Ms. Rani suffered from a skin allergy, but after taking water that had been blessed by the grace of Lord Ra Riaz, there are no longer any signs of her allergy.