Messiah Foundation International

Messiah Foundation International is a multi-faith spiritual organisation. We have one major goal: to bring about Spiritual Revolution on a global level with the Goharian Philosophy of Divine Love and Mysticism. We aim to raise awareness of the forgotten spiritual sciences, promulgate the advent of the Awaited Messiah, Imam Mehdi and Kalki Avatar, promote the Divine Signs and herald the Second Coming of Lord Jesus Christ.
essiah Foundation International was formed by His Holiness Younus AlGohar in 2002 according to the instructions of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi. Although headquartered in London, England, Messiah Foundation International has established centres in countries all over the world, including: the United States of America, Canada, Australia, South Korea, Japan, Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Malaysia and Nepal.
Messiah Foundation International tours various countries spreading unifying message of divine love, offering free spiritual healing and granting Invocation of the Heart. We do not charge money for our services, as we believe price tags cannot be put on divine gifts. If you want us to visit a city near you, contact us!