The Year in Review – 2016
What a successful year it has been for us! Here is a look at the highlights of the past 12 months.
January 09: Ban Wahhabism Campaign at the White House
January 14: Message to the World leaders: Imam Mehdi will not promote Islam
January 24: KAF’s feature in the Somvar Pratidin Newspaper, Kolkata, India
January 27: MFI at Saint Bu Ali Shah’s Mausoleum, Haryana, India; see full report here
January 31: Introducing MFI’s Campaign Against Wahhabism: HH Younus AlGohar raises voice against Wahhabism in 2005
February 08: Ban Wahhabism Campaign in UK, USA, India and Pakistan
Febraury 11: MFI at the Concious Life Expo in Los Angeles
Febraury 11: MFI at the Body, Mind and Spirit Expo in Raleigh
February 14: Our Mission Booms in the Philippines; view the full report here.
February 19: MFI Honours Lord Avebury
February 21: Ban Wahhabism Campaign in Georgetown, Washington, D.C
February 21: Ban Wahhabism Campaign at the Islamic Center, Washington, D.C
February 27: Mission Activities in Paramaribo, Surinam, South America
March 07: Unification and Divine Love Event in Mexico City, hosted by Messiah Foundation International and the Universal Great Brotherbood
March 13: MFI at the Mind, Body, Spirit Expo in Raleigh, North Carolina
March 22: The Mind, Body, Spirit Expo in Chicago
April 05: MFI USA’s Activities in Washington D.C
April 19: Mehdi Foundation’s Procession in India
April 26: Our Message Reaches Cambodia and Laos
May 20: MFI Takes its Mission to Azerbaijan
May 23: The Sunday Island Interviews HH Younus AlGohar
May 25: Ceylon Mirror Interviews HH Younus AlGohar
June 02: Messiah Foundation USA’s Mission Activities at the Lincoln Memorial
June 03: HH Younus AlGohar Speaks to the Virakesari Newspaper
June 08: Happy Jashan-e-Shahi 2016!
June 14: MFI Stands in Solidarity with the LGBT Community
June 18: Ban Zakir Naik, Peace TV and Wahhabism in India
June 20: MFI in Times Square, New York
June 21: Jashan-e-Shahi 2016 Activities in Pakistan
June 26: MFI’s Activities in Cusco, Peru
July 02: MFI USA in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
July 07: MFI Canada at the Working Woman Community Centre
July 09: MFI Awards Abdul Sattar Edhi Sainthood
July 15: MFI London Opens Deradicalisation Classes
August 01: Mission Propagation in Guadalajara, Mexico City!
August 01: MFI USA in Baltimore, New York City, Philadelphia and Washington D.C
August 15: MFI’s Activities in Hollywood, LA
August 23: MFI’s Mission Activities in Thailand
September 01: Body Mind and Spirit Expo in North Carolina, Raleigh
September 15: Asia Today Newspaper Publishes Article by MFI CEO
September 21:’s Article on Wahhabism covering HH Younus AlGohar’s thoughts on Wahhabism
September 28: Our Activities in Ohio, Philadelphia, and North Carolina
September 29: Upcoming: MFI USA at the New Life Expo, NYC
September 29: Upcoming: MFI New Zealand at the Mind, Body and Spirit Festival
October 11: Happy Youm-e-Riaz 2016!
October 16: MFI at the Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C, USA
October 21: Report: Messiah Foundation Canada at the Body, Soul and Spirit Expo
November 03: MFI’s Activities in Guadalajara, Mexico
November 05: The Supermoon – The Biggest in 70 Years!
November 07: Our Work in Sydney, Australia
November 14: Introducing Poetry Mondays!
November 15: Our Message Reaches Puerto Vallarta
November 17: MFI at the Natural Living Expo in Marlborough Massachusetts
November 25: Happy Jashan-e-Riaz 2016
November 26: MFI Launches Brand New Urdu Website ‘’
November 27: The Occultation Day 27th Nov
December 01: Poetry for Jashan-e-Riaz (The Day of Riaz) by MFI Members
December 01: Asia Today Publishes HH Younus AlGohar’s ‘Primary Objective of Religion: To Connect with God’
December 04: A Special Message from MFI For the Holidays
December 14: MFI’S USA’s Activities in New York City, Philadelphia, Washington D.C, and Columbus
December 19: Propagation at Alauddin Sabir Kaliyari Mausoleum, Delhi, India
December 28: Happy New Year 2017 from MFI!