How to Curb Hatred Successfully
Today, if this world wants to see some peace on Earth, they need to develop spiritual skills which can soften their hearts. You are making wars. Why? Because you have developed hatred.
n order to curb hatred, you don’t need weapons. You don’t want to give punishment because hatred doubles when you punish the hater. You are supposed to terminate hatred, not the hater. When you are punishing a sinner; you are not punishing the sin. You are not punishing the hatred; you are punishing the one who is carrying hatred. But in the Divine Philosophy of Lord Ra Riaz you are supposed to diminish and terminate hatred. As I earlier said, hatred doubles when you punish the hater; because after the punishment, the hatred inside them compels them to take the revenge. When revenge is accompanied by hatred, this hatred turns into fanaticism. You lose your intellect and the ability to see the colours of life; everything you see is either white or black. The answer to all problems that we have in our contemporary times is the Goharian Doctrine of Divine Love. In order to curb hatred, you don’t need weapons. What do you need? When you are thirsty, you need water. If you are thirsty and I kill you, am I solving the problem? If he is hungry, feed him and if he is thirsty, give him water. If he has hatred, then what does it mean? Give him love.
How to Share Love
Almost every single Sufi today talks about love and says, ‘Share love’. The problem of today’s intellectual minds is that to them, good manners is the manifestation of love. If you are polite and kind to somebody or fulfilling the necessities of their life, then according to them, you are sharing love. And I say that this is a sign of intellectual bankruptcy.
How can you share love? Love has to do with the heart. You have no access to anybody else’s heart, therefore you cannot share love. The only way you can share love is to let them have the same spirit of love that you have in your heart. Sharing love is initiating their heart with love. If you are being kind or very polite to somebody, out of this practice of politeness and kindness, are they going to taste love and learn to love? No. This is an intellectual mirage. You need to understand love by the heart. Love cannot be understood by the intellect or your mind games. You know why? Love is not human; love is divine. Love is God, God is love. It is impossible that you get enlightened but you do not love God. Enlightenment breeds love. This is a very important sentence. According to an English proverb, love begets love. And it is very true. If you ask me to share love, do you know what I will do? I have love in my heart; if I am sharing love with you, you should also have love in your heart with my help. Sharing love is to fill somebody’s heart with the same nature of love that you have in your heart.
Messiah Foundation International is the only organisation on Earth which practically, spiritually and truly shares love. It fulfills all spiritual necessities of life and caters for the entire humanity, not just one group of people. No matter what religion you come from, no matter what the colour of your skin is, we have just one message, one code of love and one law of love that applies to every single soul on Earth.
Let’s have another example: sharing food. If I am eating biryani (a rice dish), biryani is going into my stomach and it will be shared when it’s also going into your stomach. ‘Share your food with others’ means, ‘Let them eat the food that you are eating’. Now: ‘Share love’. You don’t really know what to do. Real knowledge comes from the heart, and it comes from the heart which is connected to God. When your heart is not enlightened, then you have man-made, self-created, self-fabricated and self-concocted stories of love. People have a following of 10,000–20,000 and they have been talking about sharing love for 20–40 years, but when you look into these people, they do not know what sharing love is. Love is not to be seen. Sharing love is to envisage love in other hearts as well. Sharing love is to revive other hearts also with love. If you have shared love with somebody, what should be the result? That person must have learnt to love. What happens is: you say you share love, but you are being polite and kind. As a result of this sharing, since you were not sharing love but were rather being polite, the people that were sitting in your company learned to be polite and kind. They shared politeness and kindness, not love. Sharing love is filling hearts with Divine Love. Today people do not need thick books of Divine Law. Today people need real food for their hearts. The hearts are dormant. The souls are dormant. You are evil. Why? Because your heart is occupied by evil. The first step towards divinity is to get your heart free from the occupation of Satan. When your heart is free from the occupation of Satan, then the Lord will arrive in your heart. Once the presence of the Lord has been introduced to your heart, you become love on two legs. You become talking, hearing, seeing, walking love. This is the doctrine of the Universal Teacher, the multi-faith, multi-religion Messianic figure, His Divine Eminence Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi. This article was an excerpt from His Holiness Younus AlGohar’s speech. His Holiness Younus AlGohar is the Official Representative of Lord Ra Riaz.