An Introduction to Steve Bell the President of MFI UK
As a child, my love for Lord Jesus was very strong and comforting. I also felt an overwhelming love and adoration for our Lady Mother Mary. I often dreamt of Lord Jesus visiting my room and taking me by my hand up to the moon and stars where we would sit and look down on the earth and talk.
t Sunday School I used to tell of my dreams and share my desire to one day have a personal relationship with my Lord. When the priest asked us if anything confused us during mass, I once replied ‘Father, the words at the end of the service are so sweet and comforting,”Go in peace to love and serve the Lord,” but how can I love the Lord? I cannot see or hear him: how can I serve him in a practical way?’ To be honest, I was not satisfied with the answers I received.
In 2006 I was introduced to Messiah Foundation International (MFI) via a work colleague. I was shown a true image of Lord Jesus. The image filled me with immense joy and hope; I was told that Jesus wishes to dwell in the hearts of his followers. I was told of the majesty of Lord Ra Riaz, a Messenger of Love and Spiritual Master. I was invited to MFI’s London office where I met the Chief Executive of MFI, His Holiness Younus AlGohar. Mr AlGohar assured me that the spiritual teachings and message of Lord Ra Riaz were in keeping of Lord Jesus, who spread this divine message of love some 2000 years ago. HH Younus AlGohar is connecting hearts to Lord Jesus; I heard, to my amazement, that MFI offers second spiritual baptism, where the seed of love is implanted in hearts by reciting the name of Lord Jesus. This is an inner baptism where all sins are cleansed from the inside. Divine light enters the heart and souls, reawakens them and prepares them for Lord Jesus. Once this cleansing has taken place, all sins are repelled from entering the heart. I was told that the heartbeats are synchronised with the Lord’s name, as a result of which you feel warmth and happiness practically. This is the true confirmation that the Lord has accepted you.
I took the spiritual baptism with open arms and an open heart; to my sheer joy, I felt uplifted and completely at peace. I later joined M.F.I wholeheartedly to spread this message to others. I have since felt a much greater connection to Lord Jesus and have had wonderful dreams and experiences. Personally, whilst dreaming one night, I was confronted by evil creatures and felt scared; to my astonishment, the name Ra Riaz started to resound in my heart as well as Jesus. The evil beings disappeared and I was left fearless. This to me was proof that these two holy and majestic personalities are working together to bless all humanity.
This beautiful message appealed to us as it does to people of all religions; we are still practising our respective faiths and we have this additional connection to Jesus and Ra Riaz .
So folks, in short, I received the answer to the question I asked the priest all those years ago. I know how to love the Lord: by enlightening the heart and having Jesus dwell there. I know how to serve him: by travelling with MFI, spreading this message and connecting humanity to Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you.
– Reverend Steve Bell