The Shrine of Holy Wisdom – Tempe Arizona
The following is the transcript of Sufi Spiritual Revivalist Younus AlGohar’s speech at the Shrine of Holy Wisdom in Tempe, Arizona.
I feel ecstatic to be here with all of you today, who are sitting in the Shrine of Holy Wisdom. That’s is really wonderful and let’s try and discover yet another Shrine of Wisdom within ourselves. Because we have been equipped divinely to hold and preserve an eternal shrine of wisdom and each one of us has that potential. The Shrine Of Wisdom that we carry within our own being is the Spiritual Heart.
When the physical heart has been spiritualised, energised, awakened, enlightened and the divine energies and the divine light has been restored in the heart, it turns into a Shrine Of Holy Wisdom.
Only God is wise. When God is there everything that has to do with God also arrives in that place. The heart becomes an eternal abode of God in the body and you become an embodiment of divinity. In this day and age, where the signs have been working miracles and we’re all reaping the benefits of this scientific technology, I wonder how people still do not believe in Spiritual Sciences.
Sufism is the path of love, the path of revival. And it has nothing to do with any particular religion. Sufism is a way which starts within ourselves and culminates within ourselves. Sufism is for everybody, everyone, those aspirants who want to find God, love God and become a mouthpiece of God. It is so wonderful to see how many different types of tribes and nations have been created by God.
In the very beginning, human beings were all one nation and then with the passage of time when different religions were introduced by God, we were dispersed into many tribes and nations. Some of the human beings who were able to differentiate between tribes and nations, also they were able to know the purpose of these tribes and different nations, took this difference as an identity. Those who did not have spiritual authority and power misinterpreted it and they generated hatred out of this difference.
With the help of Sufism, we can once again find unification. Leaving behind the colours of our skin, and finally, the initial purpose of God which is to love and to be loved. God created man in his own image. God did not mention skin colour. Brown, black white they’re all God’s images, different images.
There is no colour of the soul, there is no colour of love.
This is what we want to understand, but the problem is with all the religious books that we have in our hands today in different places of worship. Muslim mosques, Christian Churches, Jewish Synagogues, Hindu and Sikh Temples. In different places of worship. The knowledge we have in those books doesn’t really spiritually guide us towards spiritual unification. It tells us, that only you are right. A Hindu thinks only he is right, a Muslim thinks only he is right, maybe a Jew will think only he is right. But my Master said ‘No, you are all right if you are connected with God, you are all right, whomever you are’. Through whichever Messenger or Prophet, you get connected to God. It doesn’t really matter, because religion is not the destiny, it’s just a path.
Your destiny and my destiny, and everybody else’s destiny is God and Divine Love.
Spirituality is such a fascinating word, but then I don’t think there is anything that hasn’t been misinterpreted in this world. Love has been misinterpreted. Religions altered, adulterated, fabricated and now even spirituality also hasn’t assumed to the wounds given to it by perpetrators within the religion. Let me remind you, spirituality is to do with spirits. Even in this Holy Chapel today, there are many angels and spirits, some of which are ready to bless us and some others need to be blessed. But are we spiritual enough to witness their presence? No, although we all have souls and spirits in our body. What are our souls and spirits doing? Why our souls cannot see other souls in the same place? Why the spirits in our body are not able to see other spirits which are present at this moment in time? In the wilderness of ignorance, with a blindfold on our eyes and intellect, we tell ourselves to believe even what we cannot see, but then when it comes to seeing the other souls and other spirits, which we believe are present, and we cannot see them it only tells us that either our souls are dormant. They are not awakened, or we don’t have enough spiritual knowledge.
With spiritual knowledge, the souls and spirits become able to communicate with other souls and other spirits.
A Sufi loves all. All religions. Even those who do not believe in any religion, because a Sufi sees all as one creation of God. Divinely he is programmed not to discriminate among different creations of God, and as a Sufi, I have come here to share my knowledge, energies with you and to render to you what I can. And also, to take benefits of spirituality that you practice. It’s like a give and takes. I’ll take with me some of your energies and I’ll give you some of my energies so that it becomes an infused spirituality.
Obviously, you must know some western kind of spirituality and I come from the east where we have our own brand of spirituality. Any type of spirituality is good as long as it is able to revive the souls and awaken them. A guy asked me a question: if there is no spirituality you shouldn’t be able to communicate with other souls and spirits in the spiritual realm, why do people that are not spiritual tend to hate others? That’s a very good question, and the answer is even greater than the question.
The problem is only with the help of spirituality we are able to revive the souls which are responsible for generating love in our body, and without spiritual knowledge, we cannot tame one particular negative soul in our body which, if not tamed, will produce hatred and that is our Lower Self. So in order to make sure that the element of hatred and negativity is removed, eliminated from our character, we need to purify the only one soul, which is responsible for all negativity and is the root of all evil and that is our Nafs (Lower Self) according to Jewish kabbalah. Does the Lower Self, that’s here in the belly button, behind the belly button. Only with the help of spirituality we tame it, we purify it and when it is purified, peace is restored and we don’t hate anybody. In order to avoid hatred, we must be able to tame and to purify this negative soul in our body.
In order to learn to love human beings, unify with human beings and love God, we need to revive and awaken the soul of the heart.
The revival of the soul of the heart is a mystery. There have been many different ways through, which in history people have been reviving and awakening their hearts. There have been different ways. Sometimes an aspiring heart needs to follow a very strict discipline. After only a very strict discipline he or she is able to awaken the heart. Some other times he or she is fortunate enough to find a Spiritual Master and those who find Spiritual Master, their Spiritual Master has done it for them, without them making any effort. This has been the course historically in spirituality from the east, Sufism.
Today we are happy to tell you that our master Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi has delegated us to open your heart, to enlighten the heart, to awaken the heart without you needing to make any effort. And this is to do with servitude, this is a labour of love. In order to unify the entire humanity, we are serving humanity with this knowledge of Spirituality and Sufism. So that we all are able to awaken our lost spiritual senses of the heart and soul, and once again we are unified and we only recognise love and we all become wise.
We will all become wise when the wisdom is restored in our hearts.
Wisdom is not obtained by reading books, whether the book has been written by a man of God. Wisdom is only acquired when the heart becomes the domicile of God. When the heart is connected with God through Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Prophet Mohammad, anyone. The heart must be connected to God. Only then your heart will become a Shrine of Holy Wisdom.
Man and woman, they are nothing but houses of God. We are houses of God, but we need to house God. You’re a house of God but when God enters your heart it will become God’s home. A building, a room or a house without people is a house, but when you live there it becomes home. When God is in your heart you become home to God. And this is what we need today, rather than discriminating and hating each other. We need to revive our God gifted potential with which we can find God again, become Holy again. Each one of you has this potential that you can house God in you. You can turn your heart into the Divine Temple.
When God is in your heart, God will not fall asleep in your heart, he will become very active, and how does God become active when God is inside you? God will take control of your hands with which you will make use of your hands. God will take control of your eyes and then God will peep through your eyes, he will look at people, but it is God who is looking at people through your eyes. God will take control of your tongue, on occasions the time will come when you will speak but the words will not be from you, the words will come from God. You will become a mouthpiece of God. And the time will come with the help of spirituality where God will take control of your inner and outer, and you will become a complete embodiment of God on earth. That is the type of knowledge we profess and share to you.
Question: How do we identify the right timing for spiritual action, if our heart is guiding us for planetary liberation for the integration of star knowledge, for the timing was not correct at some point, it was to accelerate, to fast. The timing of a supernova on earth of light?
Actually all the souls in our bodies and this universe, this cosmos that we are living in, our planet Earth and then out neighbouring planets. All these planets, all these galaxies, milky ways they all come under cosmos number one. And then we have yet another universe and then yet another universe. We have 7 universes. Most probably the timing that you are seeking to know is to do with this particular universe that we are present right now with our bodies, that will come right when the soul responsible for reaching out to different planets of this universe, becomes spiritually available.
And that is our Lower Self. We need to purify our Lower Self when the Lower Self is purified. After the purification of the Lower Self, it needs coordination with our minds, eyes and with our intellect. When it is well coordinated with all five senses, then you will have the right time. This is when the timing becomes perfect. When the Lower Self is purified and it is coordinated with all other senses.
Question: There is a driving force when inviting spirits to reveal the secrets of magnetism, light, frequency and geology and crystal energies. And the driving force inside of us becomes a challenge at points, through knowing when to unfold those secrets as action, as technology, as solutions. Where there is great opposition to it. But I see that some things have changed now?
In crystals, in all other objects. All these crystals, you have more energy in your body, in your bones, than the crystals. But in order to have that driving energy, that driving force, we need to enlighten these souls in our bodies. In order to obtain expertise and mastery, over crystals and all other objects and the driving force, which of course is moving all these energies around. We need to enlighten our Mineral Soul, which holds life in stones, mountains, crystals and all these things. And then the Botanical Soul which holds life in trees. And Animal Souls, which holds life in all the animals. We also have all these three souls. When we have the expertise of all these three souls, then you are in the driving seat and you have expertise and mastery over the driving force of the world.