The Living Jesus – Mt. Shasta Day 2
. In the end, it all comes down to having a very strong faith. When I say have faith, it doesn’t mean you put a blindfold on and blindly believe in everything which is presented to you.
Faith is an abstract feeling. You will feel Jesus Christ’s presence in your heart – you won’t see him – and that feeling in you will compel you to have faith in him. The feeling of his love, the warmth of his love, his spiritual association, his presence in your heart and his reflection in your characteristics will establish the truth to you at least.
Even though the presence of Jesus Christ is abstract, I can see him through my feelings. Through my very profound, very deep spiritual sense.
So I would like to rule out the possibility of Jesus Christ as a metaphor. He is a very concrete reality.
The Living Jesus Christ
If Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Jesus Christ must have the divine attributes of the Father. The Father is eternal and the Father has no death. The Father has been there forever and he will be there forever.
It doesn’t make sense to a common mind that a father is eternal and the son is not eternal.
What happened on the cross happened to something which was just a figure that looked like Jesus Christ. You can call it a lookalike Jesus Christ. It was the entity that came out from the Lower Self (Nafs).
Because of the presence of the Lower Self, you are drawn and prawn to the luxuries and contents of the world. Upon spiritual activation of that particular soul in your body – the Lower Self – it gives birth to four individuals and they look like you. This is the established truth according to Sufism and also according to Kabbalah, which is Jewish Spirituality.
On that day, what transpired was, one of the spiritual entities of the Lower Self of Jesus Christ was put on the cross. Jesus Christ himself, physically and spiritually, was not on the cross. The blood that was dripping through his nails, palms and feet – and was dripping into the Holy Grail – was not coming out from the body of Jesus Christ. It was coming out from a lookalike of Jesus Christ which was a spiritual entity of his Lower Self.
According to the Bible (Romans 6:23), ‘For the wages of sin is death.’
We all understand that, but Jesus Christ is not a sinner. You can say he died for our sins, but God doesn’t have to die for our sins; he can simply forgive us.
Jesus Christ used to make pigeons out of the sand; he would blow upon them and they would fly. So it is an established truth that Jesus Christ gave life to those that were non-existent.
So the one that gives life to others cannot lose his own life. It is impossible for Jesus Christ to taste death.
Jesus Christ is divine. What happened there [on the cross] was a test for the believers as to whether or not they believed in the true and esoteric personality of Jesus Christ. I firmly believe that Jesus Christ is omnipresent. I firmly believe that Jesus Christ is the light of the heaven of the world. I firmly believe that if you find the right spiritual way, you can still connect to Jesus Christ and become united with the reality of Jesus Christ; through Jesus Christ, ultimately, you will find the Father, God.
The Spiritual Cross
I would like to translate, ‘Take up my cross and follow me.’ (Matthew 16:24-26, Luke 9:23)
We have seven souls in our body. When you are following a spiritual path and you are enlightening and awakening your souls, all these souls in the breast make a straight horizontal line with the light of God.
In a similar way, from the soul in the head to the one on the navel point (the Lower Self), a straight vertical line is drawn with the light of God. This is how a cross is established with the divine light in your body. You will only follow Jesus Christ when you make a cross in the body with all these souls.
When Jesus Christ said, ‘Take up my cross and follow me,’ he referred to this cross which is inside your body – not the cross made of wood where people are put to punishment.
When all of the souls are activated, they make a holy cross; this is the cross that you need to follow. The cross is not outside; the cross is within you but you have to find the right spiritual coordination between all these souls. This is how a spiritual cross is formed inside you. That is the cross that Jesus Christ wants you to follow.