Adam’s Eminence and Glory Fades Away

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As Man Turns into Beast Again

God created different types of 14,000 Adams. For except the last one, all Adams were created with the clay of this world in this world. No knowledge of eminence was granted to them and they were confined to verbal and physical form of worship.


or the first time in human history, with the help of this knowledge man was able to be in contact with God. And then, with the help of different types of knowledge that God granted to Abraham, Moses and Jesus, man was able to converse with God and love him. And with the arrival of Prophet Mohammad, the last of all Messengers, man was able to witness the splendour of God and this is how far man could elevate in excellence and eminence. This was the culmination of Spiritual Sciences. Those who acquired such elevated spiritual status were known to be the best among humankind.

Gradually, celestial scriptures in all religions were made subject to adulteration. As a result of this, man lost connection with God. His glory faded away and his excellence and eminence was lost. Today, humanity is back to square one. Every nation claims to be the best, however the best is none. Now, the Awaited One Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi has brought with Him the Knowledge of Divine Love and how to establish a connection with God. One who has established a connection with God and God’s love has entered his heart; he is best of all.

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