The Power of the Riazian Touch
The following is a transcript of His Holiness Younus AlGohar’ s speech. His Holiness is the Official Representative of Lord Ra Riaz.
If people sincerely believe in Lord Jesus and Lord RaRiaz and accept the message of Divine Love, then they will find out that the entire humanity is suffering from different ailments. There is a group of people in this world who, in the name of the religion and in the name of God, is spreading hatred.
Even the souls who chose to love God on the First Day (Primordial Times), when all the souls were created and they were shown modelled luxuries of the paradise and world, have forgotten today what they wanted. Those who chose the pleasures of this world, no matter how hard you try to convince them, they will never ever feel drawn to this Divine Love Doctrine. For those who chose the luxuries of paradise, paradise is their ultimate destination. These people are in need to adopt a valid religion, a valid code of rituals and valid clergymen, and a valid way of cleanliness of their inner and outer.
Lord Ra Riaz said, ‘The religions are like boats and the religious scholars are like captains; if anyone of these two is defective, you cannot reach your destination.’
Unfortunately, there is no religion on earth today, including all the celestial religions, that is not being made subject to adulteration and alteration. The reason why I say this is because there is sectarianism in all religions. At the time of their prophets, they were one nation. [Afterwards] they were not divided into many sects. For example, at the time of Lord Jesus Christ, was there the concept of Protestant, Catholics, Latter Day Saints and Angelicans? No. They were all disciples of Lord Jesus Christ. How come they are now divided into many sects and each depicts a different image of Christianity? This is the case for each and every Christian sect, because they have distanced themselves from the original doctrine of Lord Jesus Christ.
Someone recently told me that he met a Christian Priest the other day and he gave him our message. He quoted, ‘Love Your Lord with all your mind, with all your heart, with all your Soul,’ and the priest said, ‘That is just bookish knowledge. It is not possible to practice.’
To me, this is a great sacrilege towards Jesus Christ. Probably, they do not know that a spiritual guide is needed in order to put the word of God in your heart, where you can invite God to reside and dwell. Under such circumstances, I think humanity needs a spiritual bridge; humanity needs somebody who can connect them to divinity. Humanity needs a spiritual, divine medium, which can connect them to God. They do have the Bible and the Bible can tell them to love their Lord with all their heart, soul and mind; yet they cannot do that. In simple words, even if you have the Bible, it’s useless [because you cannot practise it]. For example, if you have a car and you cannot drive it, it’s useless.
From where I see it, the Bible, Quran, Torah and all other books are just like manuals and maps. It can direct you to go to places, but what if you have a map and there is no road?
People do not know that the spiritual road starts from your heart, it bypasses your soul and it arrives at God’s doorstep.
Even the people who chose the pleasures of paradise in the Primordial Times need to adopt a religion. Through that religion, they will be able to obtain the pleasures of the paradise – which was written in their destiny.
Humanity is suffering. Those who chose the luxuries of paradise are in trouble because the religions are corrupt and they do not have a medium, a spiritual bridge to God. There is no facility available in this world.
There is no spiritual institution in this world today which can give you a substitute and take you to your written destiny.
This is why you need Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi, because Lord Ra Riaz has come here to give you a substitute. When there is no substitute, no medium, no middle divinity available and the entire humanity is suffering from this scarcity of medium, Messiah Foundation International is the facility today that can take you to your destiny.
We are lucky to have been born in this era, when both Lord Ra Riaz and Lord Jesus Christ are about to reappear. Lord Ra Riaz has granted an enormous amount of spiritual powers to His followers. They can make miracles and magical moments happen. This power given to them is the evidence that they are connected to Lord Ra Riaz and Lord Jesus Christ.
According to the Bible, Jesus Christ used to heal the blind, but today we have worse ailments. Today, if someone comes to Messiah Foundation International, he gets healed. And in no time, he becomes a Spiritual Healer and he is healing the humanity.
The best among you is one who serves humanity and loves humanity. First is the Lord then comes the rest. If you love the Lord, you serve his children.
His children are in needs of this doctrine of Divine Love and Global Peace. With the power and authority of Goharian Philosophy of Divine Love, we are supposed to bring about Goharian Spiritual Revolution.
Our mission is great, our field is vast and our task is mammoth. Those who are related to the Lord, they feel the burden of divine responsibility on their shoulders. One who truly loves the Lord, he truly serves his task. You must awaken your senses.
I want to see flame of love blazing in all hearts and all souls. I want all hearts and all souls to turn into temple of love. You cannot buy the satisfaction from anywhere else that you obtain by initiating hearts with the Lord’s name. It’s a great feeling. It’s a sense of great achievement.
If you have ever saved a dying man, you know how you feel when you save a life. That person will have to die one day anyway; however, when you render an everlasting life to a man and you turn them immortal, the feeling is just great. If you want to feel close to being God, revive hearts with Gohar-given powers.
Do you know what it is like to be feeling as God? Serve humanity, revive hearts, and you will feel it. Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi says, ‘So many Prophets and Saints love God, but I love those who love human beings.’ Teaching love is not our religion, but it is rather our job. I want all of us to love humanity so that humanity may love God!
What is the incentive for loving God? Paradise. If God does not grant you paradise, you shall not love God; this is what religions taught. Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi’s message is unique: love human beings and love God, even if human beings hate you and God sends you to hell. You probably didn’t hear this message before because God didn’t come before. God has come in the form of Messiah Lord Ra Riaz.